Application: Biphasic Chemotaxis of Escherichia Coli to The Microbiota Metabolite Indole Using Chemyx Fusion 200 Syringe Pump

Biphasic Chemotaxis of Escherichia Coli to The Microbiota Metabolite Indole Using Chemyx Fusion 200 Syringe Pump – Read Full Article Here

This is how the Chemyx Fusion 200 was used in this:

A three-directional valve (Hamilton) was employed to exchange the fluid in the perfusion chambers with MB or MB containing indole. The flow rate (260 μL/min) was controlled by a syringe pump (Fusion 200; Chemyx). Sep- arate calibration experiments were performed with a colored fluid to esti- mate the average time of entry of chemoeffectors into the perfusion chamber after the initiation of flow.

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